Episode with Kisha Mitchell-Richards M.D
Dr. Kisha Mitchell Richards is the Director of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Greenwich Hospital in Greenwich, Connecticut. Originally from Jamaica, Dr. Mitchell Richards earned her medical degree from the University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston, Jamaica. She then completed an Anatomic and Clinical Pathology residency at George Washington University, a Forensic Pathology fellowship at University of South Florida and a Gastrointestinal Pathology fellowship at University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Mitchell Richards began her career as an academic Gastrointestinal Pathologist at Yale University, and subsequently became an Associate Professor and Director of Autopsy. She departed Yale to become a general community pathologist at Greenwich Hospital in 2016 where she became the Director in 2018..
Twitter: Kisha Mitchell Richards (@KAMitchellR) / Twitter
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/kisha-mitchell-richards