Episode with Carlos Parra-Herran MD
Carlos Parra-Herran graduated from Univesidad Nacional de Colombia and completed his residency at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami FL, followed by fellowship training in Canada, where he lived for 8 years. His practice as an academic gynecologic pathologist started at The Ottawa Hospital and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. He also met his now husband in Canada. They moved to Boston in 2020 where he works now as a pathologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Associate Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School. Carlos enjoys the academic life, training residents and fellows and advancing scholar translational and clinical research in gynecologic cancer. He has authored over 80 peer-reviewed journal articles and edited one reference textbook in Gynecologic Pathology. He currently serves as a member of the USCAP education committee, the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists (ISGyP) board of directors and the organizing team of the ISGyP Live Virtual Education program. His hobbies include writting, swimming, hiking and horror movies.