Episode with Dr. Joye M. Carter
Joye M. Carter, MD is a native of Wellsville, Ohio. She holds the distinction of being the first African American to be appointed a Chief Medical Examiner in the history of the USA. She was the first successful Forensic Pathology fellow in the USA and the first graduate of Howard University to become a board-certified forensic
. Dr. Carter served as an USAF officer throughout her medical school education. Upon completing her formal medical training, she joined the Armed Forces Medical Examiner Department within the Department of Defense, quickly rising from an Assistant to Deputy Chief in 1.5 years. Dr. Carter revamped the military forensic pathology fellowship
. Dr. Carter served as the Chief Medical Examiner of the District of Columbia, Harris County (Houston), Texas, and Indianapolis, IN. She has had a private practice as a consultant for 20 years. Dr Carter served as a consultant to the prosecution in the trial of Officer Chauvin, who was found guilty of killing Mr. George Floyd.
Dr. Carter has been a featured commentator on CNN and Court TV for many years.
In 2017 Dr. Carter was appointed the first full time forensic pathologist in San Luis Obispo, CA. She enjoys mentoring a variety of students, interested in a career in forensic medicine or other forensic sciences, worldwide.